So how can lying on a couch with tinkly music and candles and a person holding their hands over me really help me with my overwhelming feelings of panic and anxiety?
Is it some kind of magic?
First of all there's nothing wrong in lying on a couch and listening to tinkly music in candle light, its actually quite relaxing.
When you are in that environment with a Reiki Master then you might feel the difference and no it isn't magic, but a healing system that has been available to us for years; our modern world has closed us down so much so that we think we can order everything from Amazon including quick health fixes or maybe take a medication to cure an issue that has been building inside of us for years. Don't get me wrong we do need Western Meds, but we are sooo quick to rely on this and are giving away responsibility for our own health.
So what is Reiki?
It is a Japanese Healing System that was developed by a man called Mikao Usui, who's teachings were shared with like minded people who became healers and teachers themselves.
Reiki eventually reached the West where it was taught and then shared to others. As Reiki Practitioners we are also added to the lineage, Ive just been added as an 11th generation Reiki Master to the Mikao Usui Lineage.
Reiki is energy healing, sending the energy of the Universe through one person to another for the Greater Good.
My own interpretation is that we are surrounded by energy, we are also made of energy and as a Reiki Conduit I channel all of that lovely positive energy into you the client.
As a Reiki Practitioner we work to balance your Chakras, which are the energetic energy centres that keep us feeling balanced and in the present.
For example if you were bouncing around from one thing to the next never completing anything, you may need grounding and your Root Chakra could be spinning much faster than the others.
Or you may feel not valued or unworthy of your family /partners attention, in this case it maybe your Solar Plexus where we feel our anxiety butterflies that maybe spinning very slowly.
So you see to balance the Chakras, our spiritual energy centres, brings us physically and mentally back to the present and back to balance.
In my experience as a Holistic Therapist this allows clients to breath more easily and therefore feel that they can make more considered decisions with better perspective.
Modern life puts so many pressures on us, to do the 'to do list', which in turn causes more pressure because we didn't finish all the tasks on the list!
In reality not everything is a priority, but when we're in a state of overwhelm it can feel like that, regular Reiki can help us to keep balance.
And with balance comes fresh perspective and we realise that our lives are not a social media post ... we dont need to be perfect all the time.
We just need to trust our own intuition and believe in ourselves, love ourselves just a little more ... remember that you are awesome everyday in so many ways and that in itself is pretty amazing.
I'm hoping this Blog has given a little insight into how Reiki can help you, if you would like to find out more please dont hesitate to get in touch using the contact link on my website.
Thank you for reading to the end and wishing you Love and Light Everyday.
Thats me ... Fiona J in my Treatment Room in Coalville!