Holistic Facials

What is a Holistic Facial?

Holistic means to treat the whole of you … Body Mind and Soul.

A Holistic Facial is a combination of cleansing, exfoliating and massage techniques to improve your skin and your overall well-being.

They differ from regular facials as they consider the whole person not just the face.

Using Ayuvedic techniques can help to boost lymphatic drainage and release toxins, making the muscles in the face relax and finding your inner glow.

Holistic Facials can also help with tension headaches, sinus congestion and anxiety, it can help to boost the immune system, whilst at the same time improving skin tone with regular treatment

Massage to the neck and shoulders and head clears away the “noise and chatter” that can drown our thoughts and eases any stress away with gentle stretching to realign you.

Using some Thai stretching can bring relief to those tight neck muscles, working into the base of the skull where we hold a lot of tension can bring relief from headaches and neck tension.

The Facial is completed with a lower leg and foot massage working on the energy lines to enable you to feel grounded and secure in your world, at the end of this top to toe treatment you will feel relaxed and revived and more balanced in your world.

60 minutes @ £50

75 minutes @ £60

90 minutes @ £70

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